College of Professional Pilots of Canada


Noreen Newton Communications Committee

Named such in honor of board member and comms committee chair Noreen, who sadly passed away after a fulfilling career filled with initiatives to improve the piloting profession.

This committee is tasked with creating and maintaining the general communications strategy and messaging of the College, as directed by the Board.


Flight School Outreach Committee

This committee is focused on identifying and bridging gaps between the typical Multi-IFR rated newly graduated CPL pilot and the requirements of industry.  Most ab-initio training is single pilot-based and does not adequately address the challenges of multi-crew operations and CRM.  Not only does this create difficulties for the candidate both in training and on the line, it can potentially affect the safety of flight and the profession as a whole.  The College wants to assist Flight Schools to produce candidates that are trained in CRM, multi-crew operations, prepared for line indoc and line operations when hired on by an air carrier.


Mentorship Committee

This group runs our mentorship program, pairing up members with volunteer mentors to provide them with another opinion on whatever concerns they may have, regardless of career stage or direction.

We are always looking to build our repertoire of mentors, from all levels, rotor or fixed wing, to best link members seeking guidance with a mentor.
The mentorship program is not solely for newly licensed pilots. Ahead of a career move or impending industry change, it can be used as a source of a second opinion or to corroborate industry information.


Finance & Revenue Committee

This committee tracks the organization’s finances, suggests revenue initiatives, and maintains reporting and other activities needed to keep the College in a non-profit status while remaining fiscally viable. In collaboration with the Communications Committee it is responsible for fundraising, sourcing/vetting contributions, and determining what scholarships and agencies the College can contribute towards.


Regulatory & Government Committee

This committee’s goals are fluid and investigates issues that are out of realm of unions, air carriers, and other stakeholders which affect pilots’ working lives.

The committee lobbies whichever agency necessary to ensure that pilots’ voices are heard.  Some examples include:

  1. Ensuring that Canadian registered aircraft are flown by Canadian Licensed pilots who are either citizens or have a valid Canadian work permit.
  2. Lobbying for jump seat occupation to go back to pre 911 standards as it is in Europe.
  3. Lobbying for pilot fast track through Non-Passenger Screening similar to the RCMP.
  4. Lobbying to change the archaic rules around the PICUS (Pilot in Command Under Supervision) rules and how that time can be put towards the ATPL rating.
  5. Lobbying for faster and easier Medical reinstatement once a pilot has proven that they are fit to fly.
  6. Lobbying to eliminate airport improvement fees for commuting pilots.