The College of Pilots is a non-profit organization that endeavours to support Canadian licenced pilots and their families.
The College of Pilots is a non-profit organization that endeavours to support Canadian licenced pilots and their families.
The College of Professional Pilots of Canada and CSU Canadian Specialty Underwriting, a boutique insurance brokerage working with Lloyds, provides a Loss of License Insurance program available to College members. Support the College while benefiting from additional protection to suit your needs by using the link and or button below. Details are at
Thanks to an agreement between the College of Professional Pilots of Canada and TD Insurance, you can benefit from special privileges, such as preferred group rates, enhanced coverage, and flexible limits.
Our members report we benefit from a very advantageous discount rate that compares better than similar group offerings they have access to through other means.
Planning a move? Home Insurance isn’t one-size-fits-all. Get a personalized home assessment to determine your coverage needs in minutes from affinity program partner TD Insurance: